What breeds are these chicks?


5 Years
Sep 23, 2014
We got these 3-week old chicks last week but are unsure of what breeds they are. Any ideas?

I had two just like the bottom photo.

At 5 mos one is a Cubalaya red wheaten type, the other is a red Saipan.

I want to post some pics and get some ideas on my hatchery fowl.

hope this helps, Shortybull
Where were they sourced from? Can you get a clear shot of the comb area of each bird or describe the type of comb each looks to develop?
The first one looks like a possible Sicillian Buttercup or Campine. Could you post a photo of its comb? It may also be an Easter Egger. The second chick looks like some sort of "Production Red" or Red Sex-LInk.

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