What breeds??? I have my guesses but want to hear others opinions..lol


13 Years
Feb 2, 2007
NE Arkansas
I just got these last night... 6 Hens and 1 rooster... They were advertised free on a board I go to, so I snatched them up. They are 2 years old (some younger). My guess on the breeds are:

Rooster: RIR
3 yellow hens... Buff Orps????????
1 White Hen... ?????
Black Hen... Black Austrolorp????
Speckled hen....?????

I don't think the white one is a cornish/rock. I would think it would be bigger and have thicker legs. Could be a white rock or mix. The white and black one is a mix, of what I'm not sure. The buffs could be orpingtons, the roo could be RIR, or maybe a production red. It would help if you could get closer full body shots of each bird.

Thank you all.. I will try to get better shots of them today, we just finished building them a run so they can get out of the chicken coop, so I will try to get better ones. Here is one of the speckled one that I took with my cellphone while we were clipping wings... maybe you can tell more on that one.
I think you're right on the ones you guessed--RIR, buff Orp and Aussie.
Your white hen looks to be a white Rock and your grey and white girl is probably an Easter egger.

Great find!
Well my ladies are laying now... I do know the Buffs are laying, and the egg in the middle is from the Black/white speckled hen... so is she an EE?? The egg in the middle is a blueish green color.


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