What broodies do you have in your coop?


9 Years
May 23, 2010
Albany,, Wisconsin
So I am wondering who has broodies!!!! Any info and pics on the broody would be great. How old? breed? how long has she been broody? Has she been broddy before? how many eggs is she sitting on? ETC....

So I have one hen thinking about going broody. She sits in the nest box for hours while laying an egg, if he lays one now, she growls and pecks at you if you remove her from the nest box, but she doent stay overnight yet. Maybe as the weather improves she will decide to stay.
No broodies at the moment. I had my pure Ameraucana go broody last September (she was 7 months old at the time) and she raised 8 babies and was a terrific mom. I'm hoping she'll start laying soon, so she can go broody again!
I have a broody black silkie who is about 9 months old. It is the first time for both me and the silkie! I have been posting in another section about it. We started with 8 eggs under her, but three have broken. One made a real mess which resulted in a bath for the broody hen and major clean-up on the eggs. We are uncertain if the eggs will hatch after that disaster. I plan to candle them tomorrow which will be day 14. Hopefully some of them will still be growing. I will try to get a couple of pictures up soon.

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There is not a time I don't have broodies. . .

Got a Black Copper pullet and an Easter Egger pullet (with BOTH parents hatchery based and non-brooding breeds, what odds!) who are brooding on nothing. . . Although occasionally my Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas offer the EE a gift.
I have a broody SF, named Doe, she's barely 7 months old. She's been setting for more than a month now, first for 10 days on a bad clutch of eggs, now almost finished with the 2nd clutch. She's due to hatch them on Friday. I also have eggs in the bator due to hatch on Friday, so Doe will be getting all of them. Hope it works out this time; I can tell Doe is getting bored and tired.

I also have two silkies, also 7 months old, setting - Jethro and Ellie Mae. I split a dozen shipped eggs between the two of them on the 22nd, 5 for Jethro and 7 for Ellie, since she's bigger.

This morning I saw one of Doe's SF sisters trying to cover a large clutch of eggs in a nestbox. Her name is Rae (Ray). I think she may be my next broody.
I have these proven broodies:

Flame Jr. - American Game hen
Oddball - American Game hen
Noseeher - Partridge Rock hen
Shy - Buff Orpington hen
Eagle - Light Brahma hen

One white silkie hen
One black silkie hen

One guinea hen

My incubator went on the shelf this year,using only broodies.

Here is a pic of Flame Jr from last year giving the broody "Stink Eye"


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