What Can I Gift My Pregnant Friend?

Agree with diapers! Also onesies and pajamas. Hopefully you can convince her to breastfeed (no bottles to buy and clean, no formula cost), not judging if she doesn’t want to but it will save tons of time and $.
Get her a baby book to start working on, a self care package, you could possibly make a shadow box with things she likes. Things she enjoys and will keep her happy and relaxed. Pregnancy hormones are tough and it might bring out some emotion and feelings she's not fully prepared for.

I feel any involvement you play will make all the difference to her, doesn't have to be extravagant.
Anything that will mitigate the stresses/costs of her current life. This could be supplies for the baby, food (grocery store giftcard, or making dinner for them) or even just taking the kid off her hands for a little bit so she can unwind. Or even just being there as someone listening to her troubles.

Anything to be a support structure for her would likely go a long way in this situation.
If she plans to use formula, I recommend the Formula Ready machine! It's such a lifesaver. You can sterilize water in it (up to 40 oz), and it keeps the water at bottle temp so making a bottle is so easy! What water you don't use in 24 hours you toss out and start anew. I wish I had this in the beginning. No more 5-10mins of crying while you're trying to warm up a bottle. It really is so nice, I recommend it to anyone thinking about having kids! I tried breastfeeding for 6 weeks but I just couldn't stick with it. We went to formula after that, but it was only a couple months ago we got the Formula Ready thing.

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