What can I give my rooster for pain?


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
New Hampshire
My sweet rooster stood up for me today against our other one who came at me yet again this week {has been getting more aggressive lately} and they had a hell of a fight. The aggressive one was put down right after the fight, was my final straw. He seems fine in every way except when he eats, he's opening his beak like it's really hurting him yet he IS eating. I hated to stress him out even more by grabbing him, so I'm not sure exactly if he has a small cut on the skin near the back of his beak or on his tongue.

I figured since he is still eating/drinking, I'd leave him alone tonight but if he's still like this tomorrow I'd like to give him something to make him more comfortable if I can. The boy really stepped up to the plate for me, so it's killing me to see him hurting. I'd also like to just give it to him so my eggs aren't effected. I had wet down the food as much as possible so he's already getting soft food and I gave him some yogurt.
A low dose aspirin or baby aspirin (80mg) or 1/4 of an adult aspirin twice a day is safe. Just put it in the back of the throat. You could give it to him when it's dark for less stress. Don't give Ibuprofen , Tylenol, or Alleve. Metacam is a medication for pain that you may get from a vet.

Edited for aspirin dosage
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Swollen from an injury? Does he have severe wounds or just minor w swelling? Keep him on soft foods,make sure he is drinking,have you added aspirin to his water as this may help with swelling,dose is one 325mg aspirin to one gallon of water.
His tongue is swollen this morning, is there anything I can give to help bring it down?
Swelling will usually go down in a couple of days in any tissue, and I would probably give him soft egg or combine some vitamin electrolyte water or just plain water with some of the chicken feed to moisten it like oatmeal. As long as he is drinking, he can go without eating for a couple of days. If he stops drinking, tube feeding can be another option, but hopefully it won't come to that.
I gave him the 1/4 tab of aspirin via syringe in the corner of his mouth, and gave him some yogurt which he seems to be handling better than the soupy, watered down food {he's certainly interested in and trying to eat, just hurting him when he does}. The swelling is minor, I'd say, but definitely interfering with his eating yet not truly stopping him from trying to eat. While I was holding him/giving him the meds, all I saw were minor scratches/scabbing on his face, etc. Even while he lifted his head to drink the meds, I couldn't see an injury on his tongue just that it was a bit puffy.
can you give tremadol to a rooster for pain, they give it to dogs and cats, my rooster has a bumble foot and lots of swelling.
Welcome to BYC. I would not give anything to chickens for pain but aspirin or Metacam. Aspirin dosage would be an 80 mg low dose or baby aspirin once a day. Metacam is 0.2 mg per kg (or each 2.2 lb.) Since tramadol is a narcotic, it could cause the rooster to stop breathing.
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