What can I incubate together??


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Upstate NY
I have only ever done chicks, but I am REALLY hoping to do ducks and geese next. I also want to try turkeys and peafowl eggs.

So can ducks and geese be done together?

Chickens and turkeys??

I hope to only incubate things together that have the same incubation 'rules' and length. It will just make it easier for me, and hopefully give me a better hatch rate. And, I only have an LG, so I don't wanna overwhelm it.
I incubated ducks and geese together without a problem. Out of three goose and three duck eggs, all three ducks hatched and two geese did. The goose that didn't make it quit early on. Generally, it works out.
I'll run quail and chickens at the same time. Always had good luck!

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