What color legs to RIR's have?


9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
Yorktown, Virginia
I am still trying to figure out two of my pullets. They have thick, sturdy yellowish orange legs. They are also get black feathers in their tails. I was told they were RIR's when purchased, but kinda doubt.

Sounds like RIR to me. Sounds like the exact description of Amber my RIR. You can see a picture of her fuzzy butt in the last picture on My Page. She's on the far right.
A friend of mine has RIRs and hers has got black in their tail feathers. I have a New Hampshire that has a black hackle and I never saw that on a New Hampshire before. At first I thought he was a mix breed but he has yellow legs. He has the best temperment of all my cockerels so far.
RIR's have yellow legs and my rooster had a brown ting in the front when he reach sexual maturity.

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