what colour could be my silkie cross chicks? [lots of pics]


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
i can't figure out colours. parents are : hen [miniature new english game x silkie] father [silkie white] or father [miniature new english game x silkie]

chick nr1[i'm trying to learn vent sex and i guess its a little roo]:

chick nr2:

chick nr4 - i guess this one is silver?:

i don't have better pic of nr 3[i have 2 looking the same], it has vaulted skull and is black-grayish, dark grey down on belly
so far nr 1 and nr 4 are silkied, nr 2 and nr 3 have normal feathers.. nr 1 and nr 2 seems to have similar pattern, its something like their mother, i found on chicken calculator something looking similar - called incomplete quail.. but nr 1 down is so light looks like kind of dilution, is this possible? nr 3 is almost not growing at all, so tiny, but feathers grows normally..
Your 2 chick looks like my silkie/BCM crosses did at that age as far as the coloring. Now at 5 weeks they look totally different here is them at about 3 weeks the smaller ones


here is what they look like now at 12 weeks
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well, 5 weeks later they look like this:
nr 1:

this is not white, more like ivory, i guess he is quail patterned. grows quite quickly


seems quail patterned too
feathers out super-quickly, he looked almost the same week ago, grows quickly, shakes his crest like a parrot and he's a little alpha:}
but single comb, so i will give hime away..

feathering everage, growth average

aand nr3:

his growht is almost without changes. he has normal feathers on whole body but tail is partially silkied.
Being mixed breed and parents are different colors I would say they would not be considered a "true" any regular color. I have some that are mixed with silkies and they all 4 turned out different. I was fun to watch because just when I thought I had the color they would finally be they would change more. The mother was a white silkie and father was a WFBS/OEGB mix. One of my roos looked similar to your cream mixed one but then some orange flecks started coming in he also grew faster than the others. Quite interesting looking all of them. All of mine ended up with the silkie comb, extra toes and dark skin, but none had the silkie feathers.
I'm very curious how they will look in adult version, I'm new to breeding chicken and this is very learning thing making crosses.. and really interesting

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