I'm a bit panicky right now. My hen, Audrey, was not well this morning and is much worse this afternoon. This morning she looked listless, sat in the back of the run by herself with her wings held low and back on her haunches. No egg. She appeared to favor one side a little and looks drunk. This afternoon, she let me just pick her up (she usually runs) and her head hung down and her eyes closed. When I let everyone out to free range at 5:30, she didn't run out with the others, and when I carried her out and set her down she started scratching and lost her balance and fell over.
Could this be Marek's? Does Marek's come on that quickly?
Where would she get it? I have four hens that I have raised from chicks from Ideal (born March 26 this year).
Should I separate her from the other hens tonight? Is it too late to vaccinate the others? What is the proper procedure at this point?
Thanks all for your help.
Could this be Marek's? Does Marek's come on that quickly?
Where would she get it? I have four hens that I have raised from chicks from Ideal (born March 26 this year).
Should I separate her from the other hens tonight? Is it too late to vaccinate the others? What is the proper procedure at this point?
Thanks all for your help.
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