What does "feathered out" look like?? On a red sex link chick....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
East Central Indiana
I am brand new to the chicken world but have been reading this website for 6 years. I finally got brave and got chicks and a chicken tractor in the yard. I put them out yesterday....and wouldn't you know it it's raining buckets today! They said at Rural King they were 2 weeks which would make them 4 weeks now. They look big to me, but I really don't know what they should look like! They were flying out of the box in the garage. I also put a tarp over the coop area so rain wouldn't go in the windows. Of course the boxes they've lived in are all wet. I'm just nervous they won't be ok. I've read so many different posts about when they are ok to go out....This is why I waited so long to get them....I'll worry about everything! I'd just like to know if they are feathered out. Thanks!!!!
They are a mixed breed so can look different. I doubt they are feathered out fully at 4 weeks.[
Here's a few pictures

Two Reds on perch farthest to the right. Pretty well feathered out (getting along that way). Cass or I would open the cage every morning (when it was warm enough) place each into a card board box, with some of that `rubber' sticky mesh in the bottom (could keep their footing, that had a towel over the top (no stray flyers). As they knew they were going out to frolic all but the Gold Sex links would run right into our hands (pred. proofed movable dog run in the yard). Evenings they would start to peep forlornly and the process was reversed.

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Here are a few of my 4-5 week old sex links. Not the best pic, but another view.
Here's mine at 2 days (on right):


At about 4 weeks of age:

Recently, fully feathered out, behind the Buff Orpington's Head:

Again, behind the Buff Orpington's head:

Good Luck with your hens!
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Thanks everybody! I am so addicted to this forum, and getting more confused. I read somewhere there is not really a right or wrong, just what works for you and your birds. They are so cute!

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