I notice that raccoons tend to come out when it's overcast or rainy here in Idaho... I can't say for sure what got to them-- but I am so sorry for your loss!
That looks like a raptor...the puncture marks would be from the talons and the ripping and tearing on the back from the beak. I am so so sorry for your losses
I would say it was a small hawk, like a coopers hawk, because it probably was to small to pick up the chicken and carry it away. I have had this happen several times and I knew it was this hawk because twice I left the victum were I found it and the next day the hawk returned to finish its meal or at least that is what it tried to do!
I'm so sorry for your loss. We've had chicks taken by Cooper's hawks, but when one attacked my hen it went straight for her head and cannibalized it. To me your pictures look more like raccoon carnage, but they are usually nocturnal. I hope you figure it out. Blessings to you.
Ugh.. well fred was about ten pounds if that helps any. Plus one hen is gone not even a feather is around still. I should add that fred was still alive when we found him. We put him down.