What is a trustworthy "yet not a million dollar" incubator?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
hi..i'm starting to get the hatching itch!...
...i want to hatch some button quail eggs, any suggestions on a 'bator?..and where do i get one?...thanks, Wendy
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has anyone ever heard of a "little giant'...i found one ay my local feed store for $85.99 (plus $50.00, if i want a turner..)..are they a good brand?..thanks
so far the only ones i can find in my area are the little giants...does anyone know anything abouot them?...and do i want still air? and a turner? and also do i need the quail egg holders..cause the guy at the store said i might need them..*sigh*..ooh boy!..here i go again...on another mission!...
..thanks, Wendy
I use the little giant, but I added a fan to mine. That is pretty expensive though. I paid about $95 for mine, with the turner. I would suggest looking online to find one cheaper. Even with shipping, it would be as much, and you would probably get a better bator. The LG has worked pretty good for me though, even before I put the fan in. Only had trouble with getting the humidity to stay up high enough for hatching.
<edit> I have the chicken egg turner in mine. I have half the trays taken out, and have my quail eggs on the open side. They are in quail egg cartons, and I turn them by hand. But like I said, I added a fan to mine. I got a small pc fan off eBay, for $3 with free shipping, and it works great. I wouldn't bother with the quail turner, unless you plan on hatching a lot of quail. You could also just turn all the eggs by hand, but if you have a lot, this would be very time consuming! The turner just makes it easier, and that way you know they are being turned enough. Good luck!!
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