What is my chicks sex?


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2015
I have three chicks, one I think is a buff Orpington, another I think is RIRx buff Orpington, and a Cochin bantam x buff Orpington. Any ideas for sexing them? Any ideas about sexing the certain breeds listed would help as well. Also they are 2 and 1/2 days old.
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buff orp,
buff Orpington Cochin bantam mix,
RIR buff Orpington mix
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Most of the time, a guess cannot be made with any degree of accuracy until 6 to 8 weeks old. Chicks red combs before 10 weeks old are cockerels. Pullets don't start to turn red in the comb until they are almost ready to lay eggs. A darker shade of red or buff on the wings/shoulders (once they feather in) is also an early indication of a cockerel.
I agree...these chicks are far too young to sex as they are not auto-sexing breeds or sex link hybrids.

The best indicator as Junebuggena stated is comb size and color.

RIR's usually telecast pretty early with the boys getting noticeably larger, redder combs by 6 weeks, definitely by 8 weeks.

BO's and Cochins however are slower to develop, with a lot of similarity between the male and female feathers until the final sex feathers come in for the male. Some of those you almost have to wait for a crow or an egg.

You have hybrid mixes, and it all depends on how the genes fell as to whether the RIR development or the BO or Cochin development follows through.

I do find with my hybrids that overall both the boys and girls develop a bit faster than either parent stock (if purebred)...has to do with hybrid vigor.

Hopefully you'll have some indication by 6 weeks with certainty by 8 or 10.

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