What is the best meds you've used for Pnuemonia in chickens?

who did the necropsy?
I am unsure what you mean by "pnuemonia" >>> was this a lower respiratory infection or do you mean "brooder pnuemonia " (aspergillosis > this is actually a fungal infection)
The state of Fl Dept of Ag & Animal, they just said pnuemonia but these were 6-8 month olds, young but not little. I thought Mareks because they started with a limp, but none was found in any of the birds then or before, and that was a suspicion. They also had a secondary cocci, but I have been dosing all my flock with Amprolium 3cc per gallon of water, 7 days. Used sulmet too before. I am at a loss.

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