What is your favorite Turkey to raise?

Texan Chicky

7 Years
Mar 12, 2012
I was thinking about ordering Narragansette turkeys, have any of you had any experience with them? I'd be new to turkeys, only have ducks, chickens and guineas.

Love the patterning and rainbow intensity on the blacks, but mainly keep whites because of the poorer quality of the other breeds I've had some of. Limited experience, sorry. The best ones I've had are mostly white-gene larger ones with some black genes. I had some bourbon/mix of heritage breeds ones which were so faulty in so many ways I've sworn off them despite their very beautiful feathers. I prefer blacks but have found the whites, those full-size ones with dark eyes, to be so much tougher. They have hot-pink legs and beaks, not the usual pale coloring, and dark brown eyes. Dunno what they're called. Mixbreeds now anyway.

If you're in America then you've got the genetic smorgasbord before you.
I like the birds that look more natural, like the bronzes and narragansetts. I also like to dabble with mixing colors. My favorite so far has been red bronzes, but I am trying to get golden phoenix and maybe harvest gold, just to see what they are like. Ironically, to get the colors i want, I keep royal palms so I don't lose the black wings. A good royal palm tom is pretty good looking when displaying!

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