what killed my chicken during the day?


5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
I went out to the coop to close up about 4:30 pm and found one of my bantam roosters completely defeathered except his wings hollowed out and his head and neck missing I have the pen enclosed with 6 1/2 foot tall chicken wire that dropped into the ground 1 ft. And has a gravel border around it. So whatever killed him either got in from the top or pulled his head through the wire....
also I could not find the feathers lying on the ground anywhere....which is something new in my experience.
What might the predator be?

If your run is not covered, it could be a few things. A hawk will come into your pen, as could a raccoon. Weasels will eat the head and neck... It's really hard to say what it could have been.
I went out to the coop to close up about 4:30 pm and found one of my bantam roosters completely defeathered except his wings hollowed out and his head and neck missing I have the pen enclosed with 6 1/2 foot tall chicken wire that dropped into the ground 1 ft. And has a gravel border around it. So whatever killed him either got in from the top or pulled his head through the wire....
also I could not find the feathers lying on the ground anywhere....which is something new in my experience.
What might the predator be?
This sounds like a typical hawk attach. Please explain were the feathers went.

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