what kind of breeds lay olive,/green n blue eggs?


9 Years
Apr 4, 2010
south/west tn
Ok I am looking to increase my flock next spring I can only get 5 more if no one dies
i will like to get some hens that will lay olives, blue eggs at least 5eggs per bird in a week/

what cold weather breed would u recommend me to get ?
thank you for any advise
Hello Sunflower!

Ameraucana will lay a pale blue egg, EE (Easter Eggers) will lay a pale blue, pale green or an olive green egg, and Araucana will lay a pale blue egg. Hatcheries will usually call their breeds Ameraucana or Araucana, but they are usually just the Easter Egger. I have three EEs and I just love them. They're beautiful, and mine lay a pale, sea foam green egg. They definitely lay 5 eggs a week and sometimes they will lay every day. They are great for cold weather, because they have small combs, that won't freeze.

Barred rocks are very cold tolerant, as well as the Wyandottes, the Speckled Sussex, Buff Orpingtons, Black Jersey Giants, Buckeyes, and Turkens (Naked Necks) are very cold hardy as well.

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