What kind of chick am I?


5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Asheville NC
]I've had this little chick for a week now. The lady at the farm said she was a Black Sex Link Pullet. I looked online at pictures of BSL and realized she looks more like a Australorp or a Maran chick. Any thoughts???
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 posting its picture in the What Breed Or Gender Is This forum, it does look like an Australorp chick, a Marans usually would have feathered legs(chick doesn't?), there are quite a few breeds that are kind of penguin looking chicks so you may have to wait until it is older to figure it out... do you know what other breeds the breeder had?
Your chick looks like an Australorp to me. Definitely not a Black Sex-Link-- they tend to have more black.
Thank you for the warm welcomes to BYC. I'm so excited to have my own flock of chickens. I called the nice lady at the farm about my BSL chick. She said Tilda is a Differant cross of BSL, with a Barred Rock mother and Swedish Flower rooster.

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