What kind of chick is this? We think it might be a Seabright, but he is featherfooted! Help?!

What kind of comb does it have? It's hard to tell from the pics but does it have a beard/muffs? Here would be your options - single comb and no beard/muff = Cochin (gold laced or maybe partridge); single comb, beard/muff = D'Uccle (really dark mille fleur, buff columbian, or possibly brown red); pea comb, no beard/muff = Brahma (dark or buff)
What is a comb? What is a muff? He is so little I can't see anything but a fuzzy little chick! I'm new at this! :)
I think he looks most like a Belgian Mille! Thanks for the help guys!
Comb is the little fleshy thing on the head between the eyes and immediately above the beak. A single comb would be a thin serrated line. A pea comb at this point would be a flatish spot with maybe a few bumps on it (it will eventually have three paralel bumpy rows). The beard/muffs starts right in front of the ears and runs under the chin from cheek to cheek. In a chick, it looks poofier than the rest of the feathers. Mille fleur is the color and D'Uccle is the breed.

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