what kind of ducks and what sex are they??


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2016
Delmont pa
i saw some ducks for sale somewhere and one looks like pekin, dont know what the other 2 breeds are and which ones are male and female? please help! thanks!!!
The back two are Khaki Campbells, one male and one female. (If they both have curly tail feathers, then they are both males but they look to be female and male). The Pekin is a female.

Well, (if you buy them) you have 2 drakes and one hen. The proper ratio is 1 drake to every 3-5 hens. You either need more hens or get rid of one drake.
Because, the drakes will fight each other and over-mate the female, causing her to become hurt. They could also turn aggressive towards you. Sometimes, they'll rape each other too.
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