what might these chickens be?


8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
My husband bought some chicks at the local feed store on May 9th. He was told these two were Ameraucanas, but we're not sure. They do have greenish/gray legs but the multi-colored one doesn't look like any pictures of any chickens I've seen. Also, the multi-colored one seems to be "crowing" though we were told the feed store only sold hens, no roosters. Can anyone tell me if this is indeed a hen or possibly a rooster?
That's a lovely pair of Easter Eggers. The intense red splotches over the back, the long skinny saddle feathers (right in front of the tail), and the bright red comb on the one are all signs that say it's a roo.
Thank you everyone for your replies! We'll see what the rooster does as far as crowing, so far none of the neighbors have complained but as he matures, he may decide to crow more!

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