I just got 3 Silver Laced Wyandotts and 4 "mini mystery bantams" all 1 week old from TSC.
The "mini mystery bantams" have clean black legs.
They are feathered more than the SLW's too.
They are SO CUTE!!
The tiny tan one gets in the SLW's faces! (probably a roo
AND my 7 week old streight run bantams from TSC...
What are they?
3, maybe 4 of the 7 are roo's!
They are the same size as my 10 week old Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons.
The "mini mystery bantams" have clean black legs.
They are feathered more than the SLW's too.
They are SO CUTE!!
The tiny tan one gets in the SLW's faces! (probably a roo
AND my 7 week old streight run bantams from TSC...
3, maybe 4 of the 7 are roo's!
They are the same size as my 10 week old Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons.