What Peafowl Breeder Inspires You the Most and Why?


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
Pensacola, FL
What Peafowl Breeder Do you Look up to the Most and Why?
the title question I meant to say look up to instead of inspire. Oops!

- Please note that your answer might be used in an article for the next Peafowl Today magazine.
- Also, please include your name and your state (state is optional). Better yet you can include your farm name!
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I look up to Sid because of his beautiful landscaped aviaries he keeps his peafowl in. Even the pathway along the aviaries are lined with plants.

I definitely look up to Reinhold for the same reasons that Zaz put.

Thanks you two for your answer!

Hopefully more people will comment.
Honestly i have never really paid much attention to breeders unless i am looking for babies they may have, one of my favorite peafowl people is George Conner but i don't know much about his farm, i just like him
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I believe that peacocks are made for the free ranging!
I keep my 50 peacocks free range all year long .... but some are in aviary during the breeding season. I try to let the last eggs hatching by hens .... they love to raise their chicks! There is a risk ... but that's life!... I hate the idea of raising them "industrially"!
What Peafowl Breeder Do you Look up to the Most and Why?
the title question I meant to say look up to instead of inspire. Oops!

- Please note that your answer might be used in an article for the next Peafowl Today magazine.
- Also, please include your name and your state (state is optional). Better yet you can include your farm name!

I've never done business with them but I would love to some day is rather Legg's Peafowl Farm or Rocking BAB Ranch. They have a wide variety of peafowl which I would love to have a wide variety someday. Maybe not as many as them but I would like a wide variety of peafowl someday. They can ship peafowl across the country which I would like to be able to ship peafowl when I get large enough.
Brad Legg will have a large stock of young this spring and he sells them in mixed lots at varying prices, If ask he may put in some of the same breed. He ships good, so get your order in as soon as you see his offerings... connerhills
Brad Legg will have a large stock of young this spring and he sells them in mixed lots at varying prices, If ask he may put in some of the same breed. He ships good, so get your order in as soon as you see his offerings... connerhills

Before I can get anymore I need to sell two of my peahens. That way I can get an Indian Blue and a White peahen. That's all I would want for now. Once I get my own place I want like to have 14 kinds of peafowl and 9 peafowl for each kind. Good total of 126 peafowl some day. I already have a list for all the varieties of peafowl I want and how I'm going to group them.

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