What rooster breed to Keep?

Which Rooster Should I keep?

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In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2021
I ended up inheriting some straight run chicks and I have ended up with 3 roosters for my 15 hens. :( I have Comets, Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas, and Plymouth Rocks for hens. Ive never had a rooster before, and don't know which one to keep. All of them seem decent roosters so far but they are still young. Any advice is appreciated!!
If you don't care about using one of the roosters to have purebred chicks (like the Plymouth rock or the ameraucana) I advise you to wait and choose the friendliest/most careful with girls/best guardian/or whatever you want in a roo
Absolutely! Thanks a bunch :)
Going to be having same issue, I got a straight run of silver laced Wyandottes as a heritage meat experiment, but got a barred rock, and a delaware roo mixed in. Planning on keeping the friendliest since I have 3 young children. All seem to be decent for meat, planning on a barnyard mix in the future for meat.
Going to be having same issue, I got a straight run of silver laced Wyandottes as a heritage meat experiment, but got a barred rock, and a delaware roo mixed in. Planning on keeping the friendliest since I have 3 young children. All seem to be decent for meat, planning on a barnyard mix in the future for meat.
I have young kids too. That seems to be the way to go :) Thanks so much
I ended up inheriting some straight run chicks and I have ended up with 3 roosters for my 15 hens. :( I have Comets, Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas, and Plymouth Rocks for hens. Ive never had a rooster before, and don't know which one to keep. All of them seem so the decent roosters so far but they are still young. Any advice is appreciated!!
I would go for the one that likes to peck YOU the most, now before you think I’m crazy, let me explain. If the rooster isn’t picking on the HENS only YOU, then the rooster will also peck on PREDATORS. Now I’ve heard a rooster will give his life to defend a hen, so a rooster more aggresive to things other then hens will have a better shot at keeping your hens safe.
I would go for the one that likes to peck YOU the most, now before you think I’m crazy, let me explain. If the rooster isn’t picking on the HENS only YOU, then the rooster will also peck on PREDATORS. Now I’ve heard a rooster will give his life to defend a hen, so a rooster more aggresive to things other then hens will have a better shot at keeping your hens safe.
A cockerel/rooster that has lost all respect regarding humans and is pecking them, will be dangerous and even more so for children.
A cockerel/rooster that has lost all respect regarding humans and is pecking them, will be dangerous and even more so for children.
Look I know that, I have some cockerels myself and I can teach them before they become roos to respect humans as I have done before, all I was trying to say is if they peck you, they have good potential to protect your hens from predators. Thats my strategy that works for me.:idunno

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