What sex are my chicks?

I see pretty good size wattles on 2 and 3 and smaller ones on 1. I'm still thinking cockerels, but 1 would be best chance at being a pullet. In about a month, saddle feathers sbould start appearing and we will definitely know for sure. They are a really cute mix though.
I've heard wyandottes all redden up rather quickly and that early wattle development is more of a good indicator, but it is hard.
I have two, maybe 3 definite cockerels out of my batch and I am on the fence on all but one of the other 4 at 5 weeks. I saw wattles coming in quickly for these all throughout week 4. I don't think it gets any easier between this age and the time when saddles grow in.
How are they behavior-wise? If they've been well-handled, I find cockerels are more likely to want your attention and even 'stand up' to your hand as if facing off with another chick. The hens tend to be a bit more on the shy side and are more likely to act less bold when being handled and are more avoidant.
With Polish in the mix, maybe the crests will give you clues soon. I've not raised any myself though to be able to weigh in on that side of their genetics. :/
Thank you all for your replies.

They haven’t been well handled, they were raised by a very protective first time mumma hen and so I left them be.
I was lucky enough - my silkie mamma is 'very' trusting and I can handle her chicks as much as I like. Perhaps you can do a collection and get some good pics after dark?
I was too hands-off with my first hatch this year and ended up with a 'very' skittish dorking. She's getting close to lay now and has finally started to warm up. With the wyandottes, I brought them and momma in for the first four days and was with them constantly (thanks to the holidays) and spend time with them daily. All the absolutely boys will jump in my lap and came out to greet me when they were younger. Now, I still have one that comes up for cuddles, but the other chicks are all pretty much in adventure mode.
The boys are more likely to 'square off' against you than dart away and may take more interest in you while you are doing your daily chicken duties while the girls will most likely give you a wide berth and stay closer to momma as a general rule. Essentially, the girls will put up the biggest fuss about being caught or held. With the boys, their curiosity will take over.

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