what sex is this australorp mix americana!

WSU alum

May 4, 2015
this is Puma. i got him/her in feb and qas told that Puma was an ameriana mix pullet. im new to chickens and fear she is a he. no crowing ~5 months old. thoughts?
Can you take a nice side shot of Puma? This picture does seem to hint at some feathering that would be indicative of being male, but it would be better seen from the side.
I am not home now and these are about all the pictures i have of Puma.

No eggs but no crowing. big read comb but the tail to me looks more hen like. I'm so new to chickens that I could just be hoping that Puma is a girl and trying to find hen like features.) no spurs either. ~5 months and looks to me to be australorp, but I had been told Americana mix when I got her/him. Follows my RIR named Puppy around everywhere
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