What to do about my poor picked on hen?


10 Years
May 9, 2009
I have a little Americauna that I added to my existing flock, and she is chased away from the food by some of the others. She is the only one not raised with the others, and is a few weeks younger. The others are 26 weeks old now, they have been together since they were 8 weeks. She is afraid of all the other hens.
It's been ok in the summer, because they free-range and she has many places to hide and other food sources (grass, apples, bugs), but I don't know what I'm going to do in the winter. On days that they are in the coop due to rain, her crop isn't full at night like the other hens. I'm thinking of putting her in a separate cage in the garage for the winter, but worry that she may be lonely. She is the sweetest little thing, very cuddly. I just worry that if she doesn't get enough to eat she won't make it through the winter.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I don't know if I could rehome her to a better situation.
I'm going to weigh in here a bit, since I'm wondering about adding to my own flock and have been reading posts on this subject for some time. It seems to me that it makes sense to get 2, 3 or even 4 same-aged chicks from the same source at the same time, rather than 1 chick. I've noticed that with my own, the ones that come in together form a very sold bond and that helps in the new pecking order. For ace's problem now, have you put out two or three feeding sources, spaced about? Don't know how many hens you have altogether, but you might try this in the hopes that she is able to 'elbow' her way in.
If I put out more food sources, the other 8 hens will just chase her away if they see her eating. She was always smaller and the only new one, so she is really afraid of them, even though she is nearly the same size as most of the other hens.
Today was fine, sunny, warm.
Just worried about the winter.
My little ameraucanas would love a friend:love...I'm in MI. My silkies all sleep in a pile and the ameraucanas like to roost. I'm a little worried only having 2 of them that they'll be cold in the winter so I'd like to add some more.
Where are you in MI? Although I worry about her being added to another flock as the only one again.

I have been bringing her to the garage for secret feedings at dusk, If I can get her through the winter, maybe I will get some younger chickens to add, then she won't be the only one picked on.
I have 2 feeders hanging for 21 hens, my older hens are mean to a couple of the younger a girls so i just decided to hang an extra feeder...i also put my little girls on the roost and push the big girls over each night.. Its takes a little while for them to fit in. I waited until my littler girls were as big as the older girls before i put them in with them. I wouldnt make her live alone...i would just make sure that she was as big as them before i let them together and hang an extra feeder. Worked for me...hope it works for you.

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