What to look for in a Cuckoo Marans cockerel


10 Years
May 24, 2009
Temperance, MI
Hi Guys,
I have 15 Cuckoo marans and 9 of them are cockerels. I'm hoping to be able to keep one or two. I say hoping since we already have two EE, one Cochin and one OB cockerels. I'd love to keep a male or two of each breed but I know they might not get along

So What do I look for in my 7 week old Marans?
Some have more white barring.
Some have more points in their combs.
One or two have a bent comb when it gets bigger it may look floppy.

Here is a link to some pictures, That are about a week or so old if that helps.
Thanks Cp and Cuban Longtails
I know when others ask about certain breeds sometimes they are told their combs have to many points. So I'm thinking maybe fewer is better. As for barring dunno
Combs... the black copper marans standard calls for five points. Floppy combs are not acceptable.

Ears... watch for any white earlobes, it's bad news. sometimes the white fades as they mature.

barring... you don't want it too light and you don't want it too dark. Not much you can do but wait until they get older to see. Feather patterns tend to change as the chicks mature.

I know it will be a while before I know for sure which to keep but if I find someone wanting a roo or two I'll have an idea on who I want keep and who I don't

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