Hi there. Right now we have 15 chickens with a mix of EE, Silkies, Pencil Rocks and Orpingtons. Three of our girls are sitting on eggs so we have more on the way soon! We have a 11 year old dog that was not raised with them (we just moved to the country last year) but is very gentle and shows not an ounce of aggression. At night she even sleeps next to our open top brooder without any issues. She is a mutt (1/2 Husky and 1/2 Australian Sheppard). She is a very sweet dog and protects our chickens. Anyway we want to get another dog as a puppy but what would be the best breed around kids and chickens? I know some breeds would be more likely to "stock" our chickens. After reading the "pest and predators" section here I am worried. Any breeds to recommend or stay away from?