What would the babies look like?

Rockland Farm

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 25, 2009
If my two chickens bred, what would the chicks look like??

Here's my rooster (Ameraucana)


Here's my female (i'm still not sure what she is... she's purebred though)


Although I really haven't learned enough about chicken genetics to use it properly, there is available a "chicken calculator" available on the Internet that can give you an "approximation" of likely appearances....

I don't have the "Link" available at the moment, but you might "Google" the words: "Chicken Calculator" and try it.

It has some simplified color images of Male and Female that you can use ..Then select the appropriate button at the bottom of that section.

Sorry, I can't remember it all, but I'm sure someone else can steer you right on this.

Your Ameraucana is an Easter Egger.

Your female, if it has white earlobes, I would guess White Leghorn pullet. If it has red earlobes, more than likely a White Plymouth Rock.
You would probably get lots of mostly white babies with the beard on them - If the hen is a leghorn they would be somewhat "smaller framed" than the rooster yet more "big boned" than the hen (if that makes sense). I had a pure white Ameraucana hen mix with an Australop and all the babies came out white and bearded except one that was white non bearded. Then hens (daughters) all layed green eggs.
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Your ee doesn't even have green legs so if you bred it to the white one, you'd probably get pullets out of them that lay brown or cream colored eggs.

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