What's this my rooster doing?


12 Years
Dec 15, 2007

I went to the backyard this morning to let the chickens out for free-range time. While I was watching over them, my young RIR roo came near me, then walking around me in circles, while dragging his wings low on his sides. What's he doing? He only does that when he is about to sit down, but now he's doing it the whole morning. It's like he's showing off. What do you think? Is he trying to impress my young RIR hen Laura, or is trying to tell me something?

Thanks in advance!
OMG! I better run!

Thanks for the reply. But I was curious; why do you think he's trying to impress me? I don't give him special attention or such. Just give feed and water, stir up the coop bedding, give him a little pat every once in a while.... I think he hates me! When free-range time is over and it's time to go back in the coop, I chase him so bad that I sometimes hurt him. Not trying to be rude! But......do you think there's another cause?
Thanks again!
He is including you in HIS flock. When mine did that I went after him and went around him...I am sure it was a sight to behold...and acted like I was claiming him. He doesn't do that anymore. I sure didn't want to be spurred...or worse
from him.
OMG! I don't want to be a chicken and live in the coop!

It's very happy to hear. They just grow so fast!
He's 5 months old. I'll give him a treat. Can't wait to see him mate with my hens. Thank you very much for all the replies! Quite scary though....

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Spring is coming and all young mens imaginations turns to flights of fancy,,,,and you are his fancy......

Run for the hills, run for the hills,,,,

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