Wheaten ameraucana Rooster


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Deering NH

I need a wheaten ameraucana rooster to go with my two show quality girls. I want to breed them in the spring and hatch some babies. My two pullets just started laying the most beautiful blue eggs. I am in NH and don't mind paying shipping.


I have two blue wheaton and one wheaton cockerel from John Blehm's lines. They are 22 1/2 weeks old. I don't have pics right now, but I can get some if you are interested.

Yes, I would be interested. Probably in the wheaton one and I would love to see pictures if it's not too much trouble.

I could not get decent pictures of them. They won't budge from huddled position. It's around 20 degrees and windy as heck or I would have put them in the dog kennel and gotten better pics. Tomorrow is going to be colder, but if the wind dies down some, I will try again tomorrow in the dog kennel. If not, I won't be able to get pictures until Thursday.

LOL, almost sounds like I am afraid to make the boys brave the cold... Not the case, I assure you. It's that bitter wind! We live on a hill and the wind is wicked! It cuts through you like nothing.
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No problem. It is really cold here tonight too. Our first really cold snap. I don't think the chickens left the barn today. Would you happen to have a hen or pullet that could make the trip with him? I am assuming you are willing to ship? It will have to warm up a bit. I really dislike this cold!!!

Thanks again
No, I don't have any pullets I can spare. I actually only have 3 pullets of Blehm's lines - but have 4 cockerels (I can add a blue wheaton cockerel). Yeah, I am willing to ship - my PO is willing to do it, but I have never done it before - you'll have to pay the shipping and box fee.

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