Wheaten ameraucana sex-link color sexing?

If your breeder is in Quebec like we are and his line of birds lay proficiently, I might pay him or her a visit for some fertile eggs in the near future. I'm debating culling two of my hens for poor laying performance, and one of them is a wheaten EE. Do you know what egg color your Ameraucana pullets will lay?
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There is nothing special with this line of birds.
The Wheaten pattern in all lines and all breeds can be sexed because the sexes have different patterns.
Wing feathers can sometimes tell the tale but not always and it's inaccurate a lot of times. The best way is to wait for the breast feathers.
Males will be mostly black while females mostly reddish.
The same is true with duckwing patterns. And a slight variation with partridge patterns.
@Eelantha The parents are laying blue, I can't say for sure how good layers they are, but you probably could ask him about. He lives in Ontario.

The two that are 100% sure to be cockerels:

The one I'm unsure about, but was told that he's a cockerel:

The pullet:
I did some web research and I agree with The Moonshiner. It looks like OP might have 1 Splash Wheaten cockerel & 1 Blue Wheaten Cockerel. It's hard to tell for the first one shown in the second set of pictures.

Edit: okay scratch that, I just saw the new post after posting mine. it looks like you have two blue wheaten cockerels and two pullets! xD
@Eelantha I also think it's 2 cockerels and 2 pullets haha The color was already very different at 2 weeks old, next time I'll definitely be able to rehome sooner the cockerels.

I'll PM you his contact. I can't tell for sure the shade of the eggs as it's someone else who hatched the eggs for me for those ones. He'll be more able to answer you properly :)

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