I have six chicks that are 6 weeks old and four that are 4 weeks old. I have been putting them all out in the coop during the day for the last week (temps have been between 60-80). Once the sun starts going down I bring them back into the garage into the brooder. Our nightly lows this week will be falling into the high 20's, so I will keep them all in the garage at night. I don't want to use a heating lamp in the coop because I would have to use an extension cord which I hear is a big fire hazard. They are quickly outgrowing the brooder and love the space in the coop. What should the nightly lows be at for them to stay in the coop with no heating lamp?
Also, does anyone have any idea what kind of chick this is? I posted in the chicken breed forum but got no answers. I bought 4 Buff Orpingtons and they all looked the same when I brought them home. 3 are just what I purchased but this little one is not a BO! Any ideas? It has slate legs, white feathers and grayish skin.
Also, does anyone have any idea what kind of chick this is? I posted in the chicken breed forum but got no answers. I bought 4 Buff Orpingtons and they all looked the same when I brought them home. 3 are just what I purchased but this little one is not a BO! Any ideas? It has slate legs, white feathers and grayish skin.