When can I put my chicks outside?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
When can I put my chicks outside? They're about 3 weeks old. They have 4/5 of their wing feathers, have their tail feathers, and are starting to have feathers everywhere. They are golden comets.
I'm wondering the same thing! My girls are only a week old but I'd like to make sure I get them out there at the right time...Ive read a lot of different information so someone with good experience with this would be nice!
I live in California so our climate's pretty warm. The lowest it gets is 55 degrees F at night. It's usually around 84 degrees during the day.
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It is time to put them out. Just give them a cardboard house and a lamp.
you don't really need a heat lamp as long as it is warm outside. but I heard after they have their feathers which is about 6 weeks.

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