In the Brooder
I've got a dozen 3 week old chicks in my laundry room. I have a heat lamp that keeps their cage at a minimum of 70
When can my chicks head out to their permanent home? It's a luxurious 9x11 coop and run combo built from pallets!
Weather here in East Texas for the next 10 days
Mon 68/46
Tues 71/49
Wed 59/35
Thurs 58/33
Fri 56/35
Sat 61/43
Sun 66/53
Mon 71/58
Tues 71/58
Wed 69/54
Thurs 64/51
Fri 63/49 Merry Christmas!
Sat 60/47
Sun 60/47
Mon 61/48
When can my chicks head out to their permanent home? It's a luxurious 9x11 coop and run combo built from pallets!
Weather here in East Texas for the next 10 days
Mon 68/46
Tues 71/49
Wed 59/35
Thurs 58/33
Fri 56/35
Sat 61/43
Sun 66/53
Mon 71/58
Tues 71/58
Wed 69/54
Thurs 64/51
Fri 63/49 Merry Christmas!
Sat 60/47
Sun 60/47
Mon 61/48