When do cockerel adult behaviors appear?


Jun 13, 2020
Virginia, USA
I think I know the answer ...

Basically, I have too many cockerels and need to decide who to keep and who to send to freezer camp. The oldest right now are 4 months, and then various younger ages, to the point I’m not for sure they are males yet. I know two for sure I’m keeping and three for sure are going camping, it’s just the others I don’t know. I definitely want to send “jerks” to camp, but no one is being a jerk ... when would being a ‘jerk’ show up? Is it breed dependent? By jerk I mean mainly aggressive tendencies to me, or nasty to their flock mates. As far as I have seen, they haven’t even started displaying hormonal mating type behaviors. Several are crowing.

I’m probably fretting too much. As I understand it, non CX breeds go camping between 4-6 months? Gotta start making decisions soon, and also mentally preparing ... I’ve raised them all from chicks or eggs.:hmm
It really depends on the bird. I've seen posts here where someone had the sweetest, most gentle rooster for years then one day it started attacking. Some cockerels will be mean from 2 weeks old. If you want to get the most meat from them, I'd say wait until 6 months, then butcher. And if any nasty ones turn up on the way, cull as you go. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply! The other issue is that I need to organize the culling, ie I haven’t been able to do the actual killing myself. I discovered I’m fine right after processing - just a body then, too late to go back! I have two work friends that are on board to do the “deed”, but they have lives too and would rather do a one or two time event.
I have never been able to watch my meat birds get killed, since they were always very friendly. But when I have a jerk of a cockerel, I'm almost excited to kill him, since he's been messing with my other chickens. Hope that helps.
Choosing is hard!
Eliminate your obvious choices, and then see how the rest are doing. I try to let the 'possibles' stay for a few months, and eliminate any that aren't doing well over time.
My worst ever cockerel started attacking at eight weeks of age! What a looser he was.
Most, but not all, will show signs of poor behavior around puberty. Once in a while an adult will decide to be a jerk; I had one of those this summer, at one year of age. He considered attacking me for several months, and finally connected with my leg fairly recently. A poor decision on his part.
Do the best you can, and be prepared to have good ones, and an occasional fail, along the way.

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