When do roosters crow?

They will start crowing usually around 10-17 weeks. Probably not if they were raised together. If you post pictures we can help you identify them too if you’re not sure. If you can have roosters in your area tho and you are planning on keeping them, make sure you have at least a 5-1 hen rooster ratio.
They will start crowing usually around 10-17 weeks. Probably not if they were raised together. If you post pictures we can help you identify them too if you’re not sure. If you can have roosters in your area tho and you are planning on keeping them, make sure you have at least a 5-1 hen rooster ratio.
Okay, thanks. I have fifteen hens total if my gender assumptions are correct. Here are pics from two weeks ago.

Probable roo #1 (Cherie) Probable roo #2 (Emily)
6 Weeks Cherie 1.JPG
6 Weeks Emily 1.JPG

Probable pullet #1 (Jenny) Probable pullet #2 (Dorothy)
6 Weeks Jenny 3.JPG
6 Weeks Dorothy 1.JPG

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