When do these breeds start laying eggs?

It definitely varies, especially for EEs. Not sure for the other two breeds, but my earliest EEs started at 16 weeks and I believe the latest was about 18-21 weeks. My latest to start laying exactly hit into winter, so she didn't start until the daylight hours started coming back.
My Wyandottes are starting to lay at 6 months, very sporadically and small eggs. Not all look developed yet, 2/3 of the gold are laying. My silver laced are the best of the varieties so far. My Colombians don’t look close at alllllllll

The Easter Eggers are 22 weeks and not laying. One is barely starting to look developed and the other is no where close
It really just depends on the individual birds, their feed, and how much light they get.

Most start laying around 21 weeks plus or minus a few weeks but there are certainly outliers either way. The comb and wattles will get bigger and way brighter at point of lay.

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