When do your girls...


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Kodiak, Alaska
lay their eggs? Morning, noon or night?

Our ducks always lay at night except for the few leather shelled eggs we found, wo I was just assuming they always lay at night.

However, we got our first chicken eggs yesterday and they were both layed in the afternoon. Both of them went and hid out in the nest box for close to an hour but then ended up laying a few minutes after existing the coop (one right on the steps to the coop!).

Should I worry that they might get tired of laying in the nest box and just start laying in the woods where they free range?
Hmm, very interesting. Sounds like daytime laying is normal.

Hopefully they'll stick with the nesting boxes because I dread crawling through all the salmonberry bushes looking for eggs!
Mine are all late evening layers. I posted about it. Found an egg at 7:30 tonight that wasn't there at 7.
Ours can be late layers...its weird...sometimes we have them by 3pm...most days we see new eggs after 7pm....

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