When will my girls start laying?


9 Years
Dec 4, 2010
St.Albert, Alberta
I want them to start laying and SOON! but I don't know when they usually start laying. I have Rouens and pekins and one runner female and I need them to start laying soon. So question s:
#1) what time of year do pekins, rouens and runners start laying?
#2) what could I do to make them start laying?
#3) if the birds are under a year old but should be laying will it affect them?
#1) they should all start in spring.
#2) ithink oucan put a light in their coop for part of the night. but not the whole time.
#3) not enough feed, days are to short, dont have oyster shell, and i heard sometimes hens wont lay when their being over bred. whats your ratio? (hen/drake)

i wish mine would start laying, theres a few sighs they will give when their ready. the hens will go up to a drake and bob their head (which means they want to mate) my 5 month old welsh harlequin hens have been doing this....
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thats a good ratio. since i added my new drake my ratio is off
3 drakes and 6 hens
going out to separate for spring right now
I can't bar it's to cold at the moment. It needsto get warmer for me to give them water. I have a heated bucket but I can't get heated buckets to all three of my enclosures.
ooohhh, i see
my rouen trio is gonna have to go in with my moms chickens for breeding season..... the chickens are gonna LOVE that!
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