When will my hens start laying?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 6, 2011
We have 5 chickens, they were born on August 3rd. We recently discovered that we have 3 roosters and 2 hens! Our hens are Rhode Island Reds, when will they start laying? Also, will all eggs be able to be eaten even if they are fertilized? This is our first time with chickens and I'm not really sure what to expect. Thanks!
I'd say you still have a little while until they start laying, but I've never had RIR. As far as the eggs go, you sure can eat them. In fact, most people can't even tell a fertilized egg from an unfertilized egg. Good luck!
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most breeds start at 20 weeks or so. get out your calendar.
declining light prolongs it, increasing light stimulates laying.

I wouldn't look for eggs before the first of the year but have nest boxes ready just in case.
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They will start laying when you give up hope of ever getting an egg LOL.
Kidding, Usually between 18 &25 weeks good luck!

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