Where Do You Buy Your Chicken Feed?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 2, 2012
Charlotte, NC
I'm sure this question has already been asked a bazillion times....

I'm looking for the best place (online or brick & mortar) to get organic chicken feed. Where do you get yours and how what does it cost? Amazon, DIY Chicken Coops, Tractor Supply, etc?? I'd prefer a good online store recommendation since my only option in Charlotte, NC seem to Tractor Supply with little selection.
I know organic can be cheaper (so I've read) but what about protein. I know that Purina has nutritional balance so I use that for the health of my birds. Range feeding & alfalfa hay I give them is their organic. Yes my feed bills are huge :(
I know organic can be cheaper (so I've read) but what about protein. I know that Purina has nutritional balance so I use that for the health of my birds. Range feeding & alfalfa hay I give them is their organic. Yes my feed bills are huge
I would love to know where organic is cheaper!! Also organic feed has the same protein % in as Purina. How do you know Purina is "balanced'?? Every feed that is sold as a complete feed should be balanced, organic or not. You just have to figure out what's in Purina, while some other feeds actually name grains & protein sources. JMHO

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