where do you buy your fertilized eggs?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 1, 2009
North Hampton
I still new at this.....I have a broody and I would like to have her hatch a few eggs. Where does everyone buy their fert. eggs?

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I got mine locally. By luck actually. I was looking at them on ebay when I noticed he was only about a 20 minute drive from me. Of course that was before I found this wonderful site. If you can't find them local, I would suggest buying from someone on here. Better assortment and quality.
I got some off the egg auction here and so far 10 out of 11 are growing. 8 days left I think
They were mailed Georgia to Texas.
ebay, here, eggbid, ovabid, and locally.

I don't usually get any from hatchery... you can just get the birds then!

*** would it be un-cool of me to say I have some for sale now? ***

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