Where is the best place to buy a bator?

I am shure everone will have imput, my question is do you mean table top or one of the big cabniat ones. For table top I have heard the best stories from people about the Brinesea 20 -40 with atuo turner and next up would have to be the Hoverbator with turner and fan. Some people really dislike the styro bators and in that case I would go with the brinesea thats the one I will get the next time I can aford to do so . I have seen them at sevral places includeing tractor suply company , amazon. com , and other places the best price I have seen on the brinesea so far has been at the actual brinesea web site and there are links on byc . For the bigger modles youll have to wait till someone else answer as I have no idea about them. If your a good do it your self guy or gal you could also try going to the learning center and looking at all the planes to make your own. I would truse a good quaility bator over a home made but most people are more handy and crafty then I am
I want table top don't have the room for anything bigger wish i did lol cos i would SO be gettin the cabinet ones!! i tried a styro foam one and didn't have real good luck with that. Tried it with and without the fan and still hatch rate sucked so i def wanna look into something different.....too heartbreaking only having a few hatch
http://www.brinsea.com/products/incs.html I am leaning more and more tword a product by brinesea. I mean all humidy or temp stablization or bulkyness issues aside styro bators stain and smell and there hard to get clean. I have heard of another type named http://www.lyonusa.com/html/incubation_html/rcom_incubation.html http://www.lyonusa.com/html/incubation_html/lyon_incubation.html
but although I have heard a couple people talk about them and seem to like them I have see 2 or 3 at most so I dont know anywhere near as much .

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