Where to buy chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Kirkland, WA
I'm looking to buy some new chicks. Any ideas for where to get them? I'm only getting 3 or 4 so ordering from a hatchery probably won't work unless one of you guys know about a place where you can buy minimum 3 chicks. Are feed stores okay places to buy chicks? Thanks!
You can get them at feedstores, yes. I myself have never ordered from a

hatchery, but I do belive there are some hatcherys that will let you order

as little as 3-5 chicks.
Most tractor supply stores have them this time of year or should be getting them soon. Also, if you post in the Wanted section here with your location, you might find someone local hatching chick that can help you get a few more.
Okay! Thank you so much! Can't wait to get my chickens!!
My local feed and seed store sells chicks, and will do special orders for customers. They are adding 6 silkies to their next order from Cackle for me. Only charging 3-3.25 apiece. No shipping charges for me.
If you can't find them on CL then perhaps someone can share an order with you. Or perhaps someone will hatch eggs for you and give you chicks. Or order a variety of eggs from some one and hatch those to get a mixed flock.
mypetchicken.com will let you order as few as three as long as you are near a major city. If your in the sticks, the count goes up. My minimum is six. Great people to do business with and very healthy birds.

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