Where to keep the food and water?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2021
I am currently keeping a nipple waterer and feeder in our secured run, which has a roof and is attached to a raised coop. So far, I have been leaving the door open between the two at night, so the chickens are able to come out first thing in the morning. I’ve been noticing some backyard chicken friends with the feeder and waterer inside the actual coop, and I’m wondering if there is a benefit to this, or just personal preference? Thanks!
6 of one .... half dozen of another. I water outside in the run but keep the feeder inside the coop since the troops hardly scatter any feed into the bedding. I use a light sensing auto door so they have no problem getting water first thing in the morning.
Since we have been having So. Much. Rain, I have been putting the feed in the coop, but still leaving the water in the run. I don't leave it in there overnight, so I don't attract rodents.

I'll be integrating 3 chicks soon, so I'll still be putting feed in the coop, but have a couple more feeders out in the run too. Everything will still be put away at night.
I keep the feeder in the coop, to reduce rodent issues and to protect feed from weather (my run is not roofed, and we get a lot of rain). Fermented feed in the morning goes in the run, as it's wet and the birds tend to eat enthusiastically, so it keeps the mess outside.

I keep the waterer in the run, to keep moisture out of the coop.
I never have food or water inside the coop. Water increases humidity, not good inside. Food attracts critters. The run has a covered area attached to the coop so the food stays dry and they can eat and drink in a protected from the weather, dry, shaded area.
Personal preference, coop size, outside conditions, and the nature of your equipment all play into this decision.

I don't like having my food and water in the coop. It's messy and takes up my limited space. But I do have a feeder and a waterer inside the brooder coop as part of the "multiple feeders and waterers not visible to each other" thing for the ongoing integration of the different age groups.

I made a feeder and waterer shelter: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/an-outdoor-shelter-for-the-feeder-and-waterer.76487/

I have another feeder in a dog crate with some scrap metal roofing on top.


The waterers are all the horizontal nipple type and so are fine just sitting up on blocks in various places in the run.

I have feed and water inside because mine don't go outside. I would anyway because it is easier to tend to check them, clean them, refill them.

No issues at all with too much moisture - even after excessive, heavy rain every other day or so fore weeks. The coop has abundant ventilation and deep bedding.

No issues with spilled feed. (Soaked/fermented feed; low spill feeders)
No issues with rodents (very secure).

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