Which breed do you like the best:


10 Years
Jun 27, 2009
Wyoming, New York
My husband said I could have 6 different breeds and 4 of each. I (we) have decided on Silver-laced Wyandottes (his favorite), Golden-laced Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds (my Mom's favorite), Blue Orphingtons (I like the color) and Ameraucanas (my husband says the blue eggs taste better - not really but they are a fun color). So that leaves me with the last breed. I have narrowed it down to
1. Welsummer
2. Chantecler
3. Plymouth Rocks
4. Marans

I keep my flock for eggs, fun watching them and then possibly meat when they stop laying. If anyone has any suggestions or good/bad experiences with these breeds, please let me know. I have had the first 3 and like all of them, that is why it is hard to decide which one to pick. Thank you for your help!
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Definately the welsummers.
I have 4 right now, and they are my favorite laying hens! My oldest hen (1 year old) lays an average of 5 eggs per week, and they are larger than any other in the flock! Plus such lovely rich colored shells with speckles every time. Plus, the welsummers seem to be hardy, intelligent, and great foragers. So I vote for Welsummers.
I have one Welsummer. She is very calm and easy to handle. She lays very nice eggs, with brown splothes and speckles. You can always tell her eggs. I wish I had another one like her.

I like my Wyandottes allot.

If you are looking for eggs, go with a serious egg layer: Golden Comets or Leghorns.

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