Which feeder should I buy for 16 chicks?

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
I am getting 16 chicks this month.
Should I get the feeders that are long and have the holes or the round one?

This kind:


Or this kind:


I just didn't know which would be better/safer(I heard of one chick that got stuck in the first one). What do you think?
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The red one will waste less food. When they get bigger, you can use a Home depot bucket & a flower pot bottom. WAY cheaper than the other feeders

ETA: the other one, with the top filled, lets them toss unlimited amounts of food all over the place. WITHOUT the top, you risk that stupid chick getting stuck in there--true story, happened to Alohachickens this weekend. One of her turkeys got in th big hole & stuck its head out the little hole. Rough night for all involved
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I got one of each when I got my chicks and I really like the long one better. It is way easier to fill and less waste. With the other one can be tough to fill. The only problem I had with the red one was when the chicks would roost on it and soil thier food. Easy to brush off the top layer and add more though.
The long one, but it won't last long before you will need a much bigger feeder. If your brooder is big enough, I would put two of the long ones in there or you will be filling that thing all the time after the first few days.

I have both and I recommend ..............both. Since you have more than a few chicks I recommend the long one. My 8 do jus tfine on the round one, wasting very little. If they knock it over i simply remove it and let them eat the spilled food. I also would say get whichever one in metal. I don't like plastic, it lasts longer and is easier to clean the metal ones.

Oh, and it is a booger to keep that plastic trough closed.
How does it work? the bucket and flower pot bottom?

Sorry for the delayed reply.... two of these will usually store one bag of feed. I have smaller ones for my little chicks.

ETA--I drilled big holes along the bottom with a gynormo drill bit, but an exactoknife would work just as well.
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