which incubator?


10 Years
Mar 8, 2013
Hello all I have decided to purchase an incubator but im not sure which one to get please help me out. iv looked at a few different ones im in the $180 price range and want to hatch around 12-15 at a time so far iv looked at the brinsea octogon 20 eco. the janoel j-48, and the hova bator i like the hova but it seems cheap made im not a fan of the styro foam base and lid and it is 184 for the genesis with turner! thats alot for styrofoam lol i like the brisnea because of the large viewing area i have small children who want to watch so i like that. that is the one and only thing i dont like about the janoel it has very small windows and you can barely see down in there but it seems to be the best bargine it is $170 with the turner. so what would you all recommend which bator is the best and if there is one i havent mentioned please feel free to share but remember i want to stay under $200 so no super deluxe bators for me lol thank you.
thank you I believe that is the one I will go with as well. It has all the features I want plus a transparent lid for the kids. Just awesome thank you so much.
I've made my incubators for just under $50 i work at a pharmacy and we get tons of styrofoam boxes for our refrigerated meds and all we ever do is throw them away so i decided to make an incubator from it and have hatched 2 batches from it, i like making my own so i can have a big one for lots of eggs or a small one for just a few
Im ordering the incuview today I hope it is as good for me as it seems to be for you all.
I got my incuview yesterday and I got it started up I put six test eggs in the temp stabilized very quickly I do have one question my humidity is running right in the incubation range with no water at all I put about a cup of water in it and it went way up to the hatching period range so I took the water out and it stabilized right back in the normal range with no water at all. Is it ok to run this thing with no water is my humidity gauge broke? I live in Virginia it's not real humid here not sure why my humidity is so high?

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